Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Arjuna as seen in the Javanese shadow puppet play (wayang)
The third son of King Pandu and Queen Kunti
  • protagonist 
  • dynasty              : Kuru; Bharata

  • weapon               : pasoepati arrows, Brahma Astraarrows, Gandiwa arc.

  • nature                 : Arjuna has a noble character, warrior spirit, his faith stronger, resistant to worldly temptations, brave, and always managed to seize the glory that was given the nickname "Dananjaya".

  • other names      : Arjuna, Phālguna, Jishnu, Kirti, Shwetawāhana, Wibhatsu, Wijaya, Pārtha, Sawyashachi (Sabyasachi), Dhananjaya.

  • wife                     : Dropadi, Subadra, Ulupi, dan Citrānggadā 
  • son                      : Abimanyu, Irawan, Babruwahana, Srutakirti.

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